Friends of UGAMI work weekend
The Friends of UGAMI held one of their regular work weekends on the UGAMI campus. Originally scheduled for the weekend during which Hurricane Matthew struck, they rescheduled for the weekend of November 11-13.
Twelve members participated in the work weekend, working on the Barrier Island Research Lab dormitory (BIRL), Teal Boardwalk, Sears House, and garage. At the BIRL dorm, new light bulbs were installed in the kitchen and two new ceiling fans were installed in the breezeway. The front section of the boardwalk was raised six inches to try to avoid water standing on it for long periods of time and the top walk boards were replaced. Eventually all the walk boards will be replaced and the observation platform at the end will be moved back about 16 feet. At the Sears house, the stairway walls and ceiling were painted. The handrail was reinstalled and a new toilet was installed in the downstairs bathroom. Also, the kitchen ceiling was taped and plastered. The back of the garage was scraped and painted with two coats of primer.
During their weekend at UGAMI, the Friends also had some fantastic meals and visited the Sapelo lighthouse and beach. Everyone had a great time working together.
The Friends of UGAMI promote, support, and advance the research and educational mission of the UGA Marine Institute. The Friends hold several work weekends every year and provide financial support for student training and research at UGAMI. To join the Friends of UGAMI or make a contribution, visit their web site.