Student Questionnaire Academic Program Development Student Questionnaire Are you a current undergraduate student? Yes No Do you attend UGA? Yes No If no, do you attend another state college or university in Georgia? Yes No If yes, which state college or university in Georgia do you attend? Expected year of Graduation? Major(s) UndeclaredAccounting BBA AthensAdvertising ABJ AthensAfrican American Studies AB AthensAgribusiness BSA AthensAgribusiness BSA GriffinAgribusiness BSA TiftonAgricultural Communication BSA AthensAgricultural and Applied Economics BSA AthensAgricultural Education BSA AthensAgricultural Education BSA GriffinAgricultural Education BSA TiftonAgricultural Engineering BSAE AthensAgriscience and Environmental Systems BSA AthensAgriscience and Environmental Systems BSA TiftonAnimal Health BSA AthensAnimal Science BSA AthensAnthropology AB AthensApplied Biotechnology BSAB AthensArabic AB AthensArt Education BFA AthensArt History AB AthensArt BFA AthensAthletic Training BSED AthensAvian Biology BSA AthensBiochemical Engineering BSBCHE AthensBiochemistry and Molecular Biology BS AthensBiological Engineering BSBE AthensBiological Science BSA AthensBiological Science BSA GriffinBiological Science BSA TiftonBiology BS AthensCellular Biology BS AthensChemistry BSCHEM AthensChemistry BS AthensChinese Language and Literature AB AthensCivil Engineering BSCE AthensClassical Culture AB AthensClassical Languages AB AthensCognitive Science AB AthensCommunication Sciences and Disorders BSED AthensCommunication Studies AB AthensComparative Literature AB AthensComputer Science BS AthensComputer Systems Engineering BSCSE AthensConsumer Economics BSFCS AthensConsumer Economics BSFCS GriffinConsumer Foods BSFCS AthensConsumer Journalism BSFCS AthensCriminal Justice AB AthensDance AB AthensDance BFA AthensDairy Science BSA AthensDietetics BSFCS AthensEarly Childhood Education BSED AthensEcology AB AthensEcology BS AthensEconomics AB AthensEconomics BBA AthensElectrical and Electronics Engineering BSEE AthensEnglish AB AthensEnglish Education BSED AthensEntertainment and Media Studies ABJ AthensEntomology BSES AthensEnvironmental Chemistry BSES AthensEnvironmental Economics and Management BSES AthensEnvironmental Engineering BSENVE AthensEnvironmental Health BSEH AthensEnvironmental Resource Science BSES GriffinExercise and Sport Science BSED AthensFamily and Consumer Sciences Education BSFCS AthensFashion Merchandising BSFCS AthensFilm Studies AB AthensFinance BBA AthensFinancial Planning BSFCS AthensFisheries and Wildlife BSFR AthensFood Industry Marketing and Administration BSA AthensFood Industry Marketing and Administration BSA GriffinFood Science BSA AthensForestry BSFR AthensFrench AB AthensFurnishings and Interiors BSFCS AthensGeneral Business BBA GriffinGeneral Business BBA OnlineGenetics BS AthensGeography AB AthensGeography BS AthensGeology AB AthensGeology BS AthensGerman AB AthensGermanic and Slavic Languages AB AthensHealth and Physical Education BSED AthensHealth Promotion BSHP AthensHistory AB AthensHonors Interdisciplinary Studies ABJ AthensHonors Interdisciplinary Studies AB AthensHonors Interdisciplinary Studies BSA AthensHonors Interdisciplinary Studies BSFCS AthensHonors Interdisciplinary Studies BS AthensHorticulture BSA AthensHousing BSFCS AthensHuman Development and Family Science BSFCS AthensInterdisciplinary Studies AB AthensInterdisciplinary Studies AB GriffinInterdisciplinary Studies BFA AthensInterdisciplinary Studies BS AthensInternational Affairs AB AthensInternational Business BBA AthensItalian AB AthensJapanese Language and Literature AB AthensJournalism ABJ AthensLandscape Architecture BLA AthensLatin American and Caribbean Studies AB AthensLinguistics AB AthensManagement BBA AthensManagement Information Systems BBA Athens Marketing BBA AthensMathematics BS AthensMathematics Education BSED AthensMechanical Engineering BSME AthensMicrobiology BS AthensMicrobiology BS GriffinMiddle School Education BSED AthensMusic AB AthensMusic Composition BMUS AthensMusic Education BMUS AthensMusic Performance BMUS AthensMusic Theory BMUS AthensMusic Therapy BMUS AthensNatural Resource Recreation and Tourism BSFR AthensNutritional Sciences BSFCS AthensPharmaceutical Sciences BS AthensPhilosophy AB AthensPhysics BS AthensPhysics and Astronomy BS AthensPlant Biology BS AthensPolitical Science AB AthensPoultry Science BSA AthensPsychology BS AthensPublic Relations ABJ AthensReal Estate BBA AthensReligion AB AthensRisk Management and Insurance BBA AthensRomance Languages AB AthensRussian AB Athens Science Education BSED AthensSocial Studies Education BSED AthensSocial Work BSW AthensSociology AB AthensSpanish AB AthensSpecial Education BSED AthensSpecial Education BSED GriffinSpecial Education BSED OnlineSport Management BSED AthensStatistics BS AthensStudio Art AB AthensTheatre AB AthensTurfgrass Management BSA AthensWater and Soil Resources BSES AthensWater and Soil Resources BSFR AthensWomen's Studies AB AthensWorld Language Education BSED AthensOther Major(s) When would you be most likely to enroll in the residential academic program at UGAMI? Fall Spring Summer and Sophomore year Junior year Senior year In what fields of study would you like to see courses offered (each with a focus on marine topics)? Biology/Ecology Social Science Humanities and Arts What are the barriers that may prevent you from taking classes at UGAMI? Cost/financial aid difficulties (Any financial aid that you receive to attend UGA would probably apply to courses taken at UGAMI). Need to work during the summer or during the school year. Lack of flexibility in your course schedule due to limited space available in required classes. Desire to study abroad Extracurricular activities (clubs, sports) Other social considerations Is there a particular required class that you are worried about fitting into your schedule? Would you be more inclined to take classes at UGAMI if the offerings included classes that satisfy general requirements for the bachelor’s degree (areas I-V of the core curriculum)? Yes No 1. In addition to courses in life sciences and marine sciences, would you be interested in taking courses in the following areas at UGAMI? Area IV of the core curriculum (humanities and arts) and/or Area V of the core curriculum (Social Science) For courses in science, which types of courses would you prefer taking at UGAMI: Introductory courses for non-majors, Area VI of the core curriculum (Major-Related Courses), Methods/Field Skills/Lab Skills classes and/or Upper-level electives within your major? Would you like to be contacted with information about new course offerings at UGAMI? Email address