Maymester & Summer Courses About to Get Underway at UGAMI
Several field courses are set to kick off at UGAMI. Just as most university campuses are winding down for the summer, UGAMI is shifting into overdrive. UGAMI’s research and teaching activities peak in summer. We are excited to meet this year’s students and immerse them in the Sapelo Experience!
Maymester courses include Geography of the Georgia Coast, where students will learn about the historical-geography of the Georgia Coast, the ongoing pressures felt through increased development and property politics, community conservation efforts, and sustainable agriculture. Students will be on Sapelo Island for two weeks starting May 19th. Other Maymester courses that visit Sapelo for a shorter period of time are the Georgia Fishes Field Study and the Parks, Environmental Education and Tourism Management Field Camp.
UGAMI hosts three field study programs during summer session. Students in the Coastal Summer Semester spend four weeks at UGAMI. This program introduces students to field techniques in marine ecology and culminates with students undertaking their own research project. Similarly, students in the Colonial and Native Worlds Field School are introduced to archaeological field and lab techniques and the methods and approaches by which archaeology and heritage are interpreted. These students will split their time between Ossabaw and Sapelo Islands. In addition, the Interdisciplinary Field Program, a 10-week traveling course, will spend its first week at UGAMI learning about the ecology and history of Sapelo Island.
Students at UGAMI work hard and play hard, often at the same time. For many students, participating in a field study program at UGAMI is a life-changing experience. For information on all of the undergraduate field study programs available at UGAMI, go to our Education web page.