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Apartments – Phase I complete!

Images of the Apartments renovations. Clockwise from top left - the outside of the Apartments, the kitchen area featuring a sink, fridge, and table and chairs, a bedroom showing a mirror and sink and bookshelf, the laundry room with a washer and dryer, a bedroom with two twin beds and a window, the kitchen featuring a stove and countertops, a communal space with a fireplace and armchairs.

We have been working hard over the past year to renovate the South End Apartment building on the main quad of the UGAMI campus. The renovations were necessary to address structural deterioration and required replacing the flooring system. Phase I renovations were focused on what was formerly Apartments 1&2. Although the outside of the building hasn’t changed – there is still a cozy screened in porch in the entryway and the fireplace is intact – it no longer leads into two apartments, but rather one large space with modernized bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and living room. Phase II renovations, which will be in what is currently Apartments 3&4, are scheduled to start this month. We are really excited to have the new space!

Marland, F.C.; Kjerfve, B., and Smith, J.S., 2023. Emergent sandy barriers formed Sapelo Island (Georgia, U.S.A.) during Heinrich events and in the Holocene. Journal of Coastal Research, 39(6), 1068–1081. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

Sapelo Island’s core consists of five separate barrier islands corresponding to five Heinrich events, H5–H1. During the present interglacial rise of the sea, Holocene barriers (H0) were attached to the most recent paleo-barrier, H1. All barriers have a recurved spit with an intervening backbay tidal marsh. Each barrier is composed of several dune ridges. Beach ridge editions were not formed at their present locations. Sand and other materials emerged from below sea level on the shelf in transgressive, elevated H seas and in the last post-glacial rise of the Holocene interglacial. Fourteen spurious increases of higher sea levels of warmer water in Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events were followed by cooling H intervals with extreme waves during gales, hurricanes, and possibly tsunamis. Deltaic surplus materials on the shelf rolled shoreward. Storms drove deposits onshore in predominant wave episodes of overwash. Pliocene and Pleistocene sand surpluses on the continental shelf in relict river channels and deltas were and are source deposits. The preserved varved chronology is based on analyses of pollen and microfossils from Lake Tulane, Florida. Lake Tulane provides a continuous timeline of comparable radiocarbon ages to Sapelo. Both sites are considered coeval. Overwash deposits on the dry sand beach above average tides were forerunners of dune formation. After storms, backshore sand was trapped within strandlines of Spartina marsh wrack. Materials caught in the straw mulch on the dry sand produced aeolian dune ridges during windswept Nor’easters. High dunes grew from low and coalesced into a series of barriers to form Sapelo Island.

Morton, J.P., Hensel, M.S., DeLaMater, D.S., Angelini, C., Atkins, R., Prince, K., Williams, S.L., Boyd, A.D., Parsons, J., Resetarits, E.J., Smith, C.S., Valdez, S., Monnet, E., Farhan, R., Mobilian, C., Smith, D., Craft, C.B., Byers, J., Alber, M., Pennings, S.C. and Silliman, B.R. 2024. Mesopredator release moderates trophic control of plant biomass in a Georgia salt marsh. (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4452)

Predators regulate communities through top‐down control in many ecosystems. Because most studies of top‐down control last less than a year and focus on only a subset of the community, they may miss predator effects that manifest at longer timescales or across whole food webs. In southeastern US salt marshes, short‐term and small‐scale experiments indicate that nektonic predators (e.g., blue crab, fish, terrapins) facilitate the foundational grass, Spartina alterniflora, by consuming herbivorous snails and crabs. To test both how nekton affect marsh processes when the entire animal community is present, and how prior results scale over time, we conducted a 3‐year nekton exclusion experiment in a Georgia salt marsh using replicated 19.6 m² plots. Our nekton exclusions increased densities of plant‐grazing snails and juvenile deposit‐feeding fiddler crab and, in Year 2, reduced predation on tethered juvenile snails, indicating that nektonic predators control these key macroinvertebrates. However, in Year 3, densities of mesopredatory benthic mud crabs increased threefold in nekton exclusions, erasing the tethered snails’ predation refuge. Nekton exclusion had no effect on Spartina biomass, likely because the observed mesopredator release suppressed grazing snail densities and elevated densities of fiddler crabs, whose burrowing alleviates soil stresses. Structural equation modeling supported the hypotheses that nektonic predators and mesopredators control invertebrate communities, with nektonic predators having stronger total effects on Spartina than mud crabs by controlling densities of species that both suppress (grazers) and facilitate (fiddler crabs) plant growth. These findings highlight that salt marshes can be resilient to multiyear reductions in nektonic predators if mesopredators are present and that multiple pathways of trophic control manifest in different ways over time to mediate community dynamics. These results highlight that larger scale and longer‐term experiments can illuminate community dynamics not previously understood, even in well‐studied ecosystems such as salt marshes.

Thompson, M., Pennings, S.C., Schubauer-Berigan, J.P., Herbert, E., Costomiris, G. and Craft, C.B. 2024. Resistance and resilience: Tidal freshwater marsh response and recovery to acute and chronic saltwater intrusion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. (DOI:

The ability to both resist and recover from disturbances like storm surge and saltwater intrusion plays a key role in shaping the structure and function of tidal marshes. In this study, porewater chemistry, vegetation, and soil elevation change were measured in field plots of a tidal freshwater marsh exposed to four years of experimental press (chronic) and pulse (acute) brackish water additions followed by five years of recovery to assess their resistance and resilience to saltwater intrusion. Press additions produced significant, widespread changes in marsh structure and function including increased porewater N and P, reduced macrophyte cover and species richness, and loss of soil surface elevation whereas pulse additions had little effect. Once dosing ceased, porewater chemistry, vegetation and soils in press plots recovered at differing rates, with porewater N and P declining to background levels after one year, plant cover and species richness increasing within two to four years, and soil surface elevation increasing to similar levels found in control plots after five years. The plant community in the press treatment converged with the other treatments after 3–4 years, though macrophyte species exhibited varying rates of recovery. Ground cover (Ludwigia repens) and soft stem species (Persicaria) that declined first, recovered faster than Zizaniopsis miliacea that was more resistant but less resilient to brackish water intrusion. While tidal freshwater marshes are resistant and resilient to pulses such as those that stem from hurricanes and storm surges, continued long-term intrusion events like sea level rise (SLR) will likely lead to conversion into brackish marsh. Understanding long-term responses and tradeoffs in resistance and recovery as shown in this experiment offers insight into the future trajectory of tidal freshwater marshes as well as broader ecosystem responses to disturbance and recovery crucial to management and restoration.

Hawman, P., Cotten, D.L. and Mishra, D. 2024. Canopy Heterogeneity and Environmental Variability Drive Annual Budgets of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in a Tidal Marsh. JGR Biogeosciences. (DOI: 10.1029/2023JG007866)

Tidal salt marshes are important ecosystems in the global carbon cycle. Understanding their net carbon exchange with the atmosphere is required to accurately estimate their net ecosystem carbon budget (NECB). In this study, we present the interannual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 derived from eddy covariance (EC) for a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh. We found interannual NEE could vary up to 3-fold and range from −58.5 ± 11.3 to −222.9 ± 12.4 g C m−2 year−1 in 2016 and 2020, respectively. Further, we found that atmospheric CO2 fluxes were spatially dependent and varied across short distances. High biomass regions along tidal creek and estuary edges had up to 2-fold higher annual NEE than lower biomass marsh interiors. In addition to the spatial variation of NEE, regions of the marsh represented by distinct canopy zonation responded to environmental drivers differently. Low elevation edges (with taller canopies) had a higher correlation with river discharge (R2 = 0.61), the main freshwater input into the system, while marsh interiors (with short canopies) were better correlated with in situ precipitation (R2 = 0.53). Lastly, we extrapolated interannual NEE to the wider marsh system, demonstrating the potential underestimation of annual NEE when not considering spatially explicit rates of NEE. Our work provides a basis for further research to understand the temporal and spatial dynamics of productivity in coastal wetlands, ecosystems which are at the forefront of experiencing climate change induced variability in precipitation, temperature, and sea level rise that have the potential to alter ecosystem productivity.

2024 Marine Biology Spring Semester students arrive

Eight individuals stand on a sandy dune amidst a plethora of grasses. The sky is overcast and light gray and all the individuals are wearing jackets to keep warm. Behind them the grasses grow thicker and more numerous until they give way to shrubs and trees.
Students and program staff enjoying an excursion to the south end of Nannygoat Beach.

Welcome to our spring semester students, who arrived on Saturday, January 6 and will be on-site through April. In addition to UGA, they hail from the University of West Georgia, Dalton State University, Georgia Tech, and the College of Coastal Georgia. During their time at UGAMI, students will take courses in marine biology, ecology, animal behavior, marine fisheries, and coastal ecosystems. The students will get a chance to interact with many different people on Sapelo and the Georgia coast, and to spend lots of time in the field. Contact Dr. Tom Hancock ( if you want to know more!

It’s Field Sea-Sun!

It’s going to be a busy summer at UGAMI!  Last week, we hosted our annual barbecue to welcome our summer visitors.

Drs. John Schalles (Creighton) and Steve Pennings (UH) are back for another summer, as are graduate students Matt Pierce (UGA), Harrison Currin (GSU), and Tommy Pudil (GSU) . 

We also have a group of interns joining us to work with GCE investigators. They hail from institutions across the US including Creighton University, University of Houston, University of South Carolina, Eckerd College, and University of North Florida.

We are also looking forward to the arrival of a new cohort of students for UGA’s Coastal Summer Semester, who will be here this weekend along with Drs. Emlyn Resetarits and Charles Hopkinson. We’re looking forward to a productive summer, and it feels great to see so many new (and returning!) visitors.

Graduate Student Matt Pierce (UGA) and Summer Intern Addie Band (Eckerd College) measuring water quality parameters.
Summer Intern Gabby Gagnon (U of South Carolina) learning how to use the RTK.

Internship Opportunities

The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research program is recruiting for five paid summer internships in coastal ecology. Some positions are limited to students who have not graduated yet, but others are open. The deadline for applying is March 7. Follow the link for more information and to apply.

2020 GCE Undergraduate Summer Internships

Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 GCE Undergraduate Summer Internships!

There are four internships available with three opportunities based on Sapelo Island, and one internship based at the University of South Carolina. The application deadline is Sunday, March 8th at midnight. For more information and to apply, please visit…/summer_internships_2020.asp.

Project descriptions listed below:

Salt marsh invertebrate ecology. Supervisor: Dr. Christine Angelini (University of Florida). The intern will participate in salt marsh surveys, experimental manipulations, and sample collections designed to better understand salt marsh responses to disturbance as part of the GCE “disturbance-scape” project. In addition to field work, the intern will help process samples in the laboratory, including dissection of invertebrate species and processing of water, plants, invertebrates and sediment for chemical analyses. The intern should be comfortable with long days in the field (up to 12 hours or more depending on tides) and have the ability to carry 40 lbs or more. Experience with small boats is desirable but not required. The position will be based at Sapelo Island GA for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. Some time may be spent at the UF campus in Gainesville FL processing samples that cannot be processed at UGAMI.

Growing salt marsh plants hydroponically. Supervisors: Dr. Steven Pennings (University of Houston) and Dr. Jessica O’Connell (University of Georgia). The intern will develop methods for growing the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora hydroponically by adapting existing methods that have been used with other large grasses. This will set the stage for GCE staff to conduct experiments over the winter of 2020-21 where we will grow plants hydroponically so that we can periodically measure the roots and rhizomes as well as the shoots. The intern will develop the methods for doing this, testing different containers, hydroponic solutions, and methods for measuring roots and shoots to find which approaches work best. Experience with hydroponics, culture of plants or animals in captivity, or plumbing would be helpful. The position will be based on Sapelo Island Georgia for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. This position is limited to students who have not yet graduated.

Field assistant in coastal science. Supervisor: Jacob Shalack (GCE LTER lead technician). The intern will work as a general assistant to the GCE technicians on Sapelo Island. Duties may include assisting in water quality sampling, plant and invertebrate monitoring, flux tower maintenance, helping a variety of research groups with field work, and light construction. This position will be primarily in the field, and will require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. The position will be based on Sapelo Island, GA for ~10 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. This position is open to all undergraduate students, including graduating seniors.

GIS land use and change of Sapelo Island. Supervisors: Dr. Nik Heynen (University of Georgia) and Dr. Dean Hardy (University of South Carolina). The intern will assist with land use and land cover change analysis of Sapelo Island, Georgia and the surrounding region. Required skills are demonstrated familiarity with GIS products and processes such as creating and editing shapefiles, creating and managing geodatabases, manipulating map projections and coordinate reference systems, georectification of scanned maps, heads-up digitizing, raster analysis and basic map algebra. Preferred skills include familiarity with collecting and importing GPS data into a GIS, knowledge of open source GIS platforms, and an ability to travel to the field site on Sapelo Island two to three times for 2-3 days at a time over the summer for data collection. The position will be based in Columbia, SC at the University of South Carolina for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020, where Dr. Hardy will be the immediate supervisor. This position is limited to students who have not yet graduated.

New CreekCam Installed

The first law of Marine Science is that electronics and saltwater don’t play well together. Anyone who has owned a boat or deployed an electronic instrument near the ocean can attest to this truth.

UGAMI’s CreekCam, installed in 2016, became a victim of the corrosive effects of salt spray and died a slow death last summer. But a new camera was installed at the same location this week and is set to transmit an image every 10 minutes. As before, the latest image is always displayed on the Current Conditions page: Archived images can also be viewed and downloaded.

Want to see the tidal height and weather conditions at 7:15 AM on February 1, 2017? Or are you wondering when spring green-up occurs in the marsh? No problem, we got it.