2020 GCE Undergraduate Summer Internships
Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 GCE Undergraduate Summer Internships!
There are four internships available with three opportunities based on Sapelo Island, and one internship based at the University of South Carolina. The application deadline is Sunday, March 8th at midnight. For more information and to apply, please visit http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/…/summer_internships_2020.asp.

Project descriptions listed below:
Salt marsh invertebrate ecology. Supervisor: Dr. Christine Angelini (University of Florida). The intern will participate in salt marsh surveys, experimental manipulations, and sample collections designed to better understand salt marsh responses to disturbance as part of the GCE “disturbance-scape” project. In addition to field work, the intern will help process samples in the laboratory, including dissection of invertebrate species and processing of water, plants, invertebrates and sediment for chemical analyses. The intern should be comfortable with long days in the field (up to 12 hours or more depending on tides) and have the ability to carry 40 lbs or more. Experience with small boats is desirable but not required. The position will be based at Sapelo Island GA for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. Some time may be spent at the UF campus in Gainesville FL processing samples that cannot be processed at UGAMI.
Growing salt marsh plants hydroponically. Supervisors: Dr. Steven Pennings (University of Houston) and Dr. Jessica O’Connell (University of Georgia). The intern will develop methods for growing the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora hydroponically by adapting existing methods that have been used with other large grasses. This will set the stage for GCE staff to conduct experiments over the winter of 2020-21 where we will grow plants hydroponically so that we can periodically measure the roots and rhizomes as well as the shoots. The intern will develop the methods for doing this, testing different containers, hydroponic solutions, and methods for measuring roots and shoots to find which approaches work best. Experience with hydroponics, culture of plants or animals in captivity, or plumbing would be helpful. The position will be based on Sapelo Island Georgia for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. This position is limited to students who have not yet graduated.
Field assistant in coastal science. Supervisor: Jacob Shalack (GCE LTER lead technician). The intern will work as a general assistant to the GCE technicians on Sapelo Island. Duties may include assisting in water quality sampling, plant and invertebrate monitoring, flux tower maintenance, helping a variety of research groups with field work, and light construction. This position will be primarily in the field, and will require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. The position will be based on Sapelo Island, GA for ~10 weeks during May-August 2020; housing will be provided. This position is open to all undergraduate students, including graduating seniors.
GIS land use and change of Sapelo Island. Supervisors: Dr. Nik Heynen (University of Georgia) and Dr. Dean Hardy (University of South Carolina). The intern will assist with land use and land cover change analysis of Sapelo Island, Georgia and the surrounding region. Required skills are demonstrated familiarity with GIS products and processes such as creating and editing shapefiles, creating and managing geodatabases, manipulating map projections and coordinate reference systems, georectification of scanned maps, heads-up digitizing, raster analysis and basic map algebra. Preferred skills include familiarity with collecting and importing GPS data into a GIS, knowledge of open source GIS platforms, and an ability to travel to the field site on Sapelo Island two to three times for 2-3 days at a time over the summer for data collection. The position will be based in Columbia, SC at the University of South Carolina for ~8 weeks during May-August 2020, where Dr. Hardy will be the immediate supervisor. This position is limited to students who have not yet graduated.