Are you interested in learning more about student opportunities at UGAMI? We will be participating in UGA’s virtual study away fair next Tuesday, Sept 15th.
UGAMI, along with two other university field stations, is collaborating to produce a suite of virtual estuarine field experiences for undergraduate students. This project will develop products that address widespread educational challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to develop educational content and experiences that provide access to outdoor, field-based learning for all students.
The virtual modules will be filmed at the University of Georgia Marine Institute (UGAMI) and Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (BMFL) at the University of South Carolina, and the Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide their expertise in environmental education to help ensure the quality and applicability of these modules.
This project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), will provide a more accessible field experience for those with mobility impairments, financial limitations, family obligations, as well as reduce limitations of geographic accessibility. All videos, datasets, and educational materials will be available for free download.
Historically, January has been a quiet month at UGAMI. At this time, faculty and students are just beginning their spring semester classes at their home institutions. But this year is different. UGAMI is now offering a full slate of undergraduate classes in its inaugural Marine Biology Spring Semester. Students from UGA and four other universities started classes at UGAMI on January 7th and will be in residence on Sapelo Island through the end of April. During this time, the students will take a series of five classes in ecology, marine biology, fisheries science, and animal behavior. Rather than just reading and listening to lectures, these classes are built around field experiences. This sort of immersive learning experience can be life-changing for students. As a residential field program, students and faculty get to know one-another outside of the classroom and often develop lasting relationships that benefit students as they embark on their careers.
throughout the semester, we will post updates on the students’ experiences here
and on UGAMI’s Facebook page.